Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I'm a liar...

Ok, so I lied, sorry. I don't have the pencil sketches for the 10-second short, but in all honestly, it was gonna suck anyway. Instead I have 5 skulls that I did for my life drawing homework. No, they're not cartoons, but at least I drew something today.

so yeah, I know they're not the greatest, but give me a little credit here. I had a HORRIBLE day, it's after midnight, I've been up for 20 hours, I'm tired. I'm going to finish the last 5 tomorrow after I get home, hopefully by then I won't be so tired and they won't look like crap. I wish I could scan in an 18x24 size photo- I have a life drawing of a model that is awesome. I'll figure out how to get it on here. Thanks for listening :)

coming soon..

New animation on its way... working on a pencil test for the 10-second clip- sketches to upload in a little bit- finished product to be uploaded to the YouTubes (hopefully) by tonight.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Challenge accepted

Hello, internets. Sadly I have no picture for the day- I've been busy for a while. Work has had me in its clenches with no chance for air, and the weather almost killed me several times. So it's been sleeping (sorta) and working for the last few days for me. I have some observational stuff that I did while I was on break at work- a sketch of my foot, my hand, and a girl that I work with. I need something more though than just sketches and cartoons... I want to find a new challenge. Maybe this blog will end up being so. If I can write something every day or at least every other day, that will show me some kind of continuity in my life.... maybe.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Gargoyle sketch

So today is a bit of a crapply day. I have been doing some reading and whatnot on the SOPA and PIPA acts and they really upset me. I hope to be an awesome animator one day and get a bunch of my stuff out there for the world to see, but if these things pass, I'm screwed. Most of the best (and most real) work by inspiring and professional cartoonists and animators, comic artists, and graphic designers, is on the internet. The internet is where we have pretty much free reign as artists to do whatever the hell we want. That's the beauty of the web. The government has already censored the hell out of television, radio, and film, the internet is the last place we have to go to get our truest thoughts out there, professional or not. They've even got a snag on YouTube now, you get flagged for making a celebrity look bad, saying the F word, and forGET about using anything anyone anywhere else did in whatever it is you do. They'll get on you faster than flies on shit pudding. But we can't let that continue. You can go on and on about free speech and blah blah blah, but honestly we are just allowing our minds to continue getting raped in the ass by the people who think it's their duty to teach us "right" from "wrong". I'm sorry... wasn't that our parents' jobs?

Anyway.. now that I've taken a foot off my soap box (I'm never fully off of it), I'll upload my picture for the day.

it's a gargoyle I drew while I was bored in class. I want to try to draw something new every day to upload. 1 to get me drawing just to draw again, and 2 to get some practice at drawing something that's not a face. I do a lot of cartoon people, I kinda need to get away from it... Dinner needs to get made, colored version to come soon!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Hahaah I like my piggy. This is the little pig from before, in full color. He will be the supporting character in the short.


This be my penguin fully colored. Isn't he just the cutest thing ever? Piggy full color page to come, then a facial expression sheet. :) Coming along!

Sketches for the short

These are my most recent sketches for a short animation I'm doing. It's about a penguin who can't fly, tries to fly, finds a way to fly, and then when he gets in the air, he finds a flying pig who laughs at the ridiculous premise of a plying penguin. Hilarious, right? Yeah, I know- but it'll hopefully be very cute for children, anyway. Hey, I have a 5-year-old.. she has to be able to see my stuff somehow.

Some of my goodies

Some previous stuff I've done, mostly character designs and layouts, which is what I enjoy most. The first two characters are just a simple boy and girl that I did one day when I got bored. The next two, Kesi and Tony are two characters that I hope to one day put into a web comic or something. I have done many revisions and re-do's of the two of them, but they are still far from finished, they're just paused for now. I have quite an attachment to these two, especially the Tony character. Maybe one of these days I'll get around to it :)

First Post!!

Alright, now that I'm done with that, I can explain why I'm here. I had a website that was dedicated to my blog, pictures, artwork, but then I started getting members, and I had to deal with e-mails, and it was just much easier if I just kept a blog to do all my art and concept drawing in one easier-to-use locale. So here goes, this is what I do. This is what I enjoy and I hope people enjoy it, too.