Friday, May 10, 2013


and this is the character design layout for the solo. I like most of them, but the dad still needs work

Timeline, sketches, and projections for Solo Comic


Week 1-Week2: Research and Development Stage
                Concept sketches, research different styles of comics, figure out a story
Week 3: Goal- Have story written, begin storyboards
                Benchmark- Have story written
                Study- Look at multiple styles of comic artists and see what they did to make the characters look the way they do; line work, shading, backgrounds, color
Week 4: Goal- Have storyboard finished, characters created, start to build panels
                Benchmark- Have Characters finished, storyboard 50% complete
                Study- Learn how to make panels, scene setup, panel placement, etc.
Week 5: Goal- Panels laid out, begin penciling
                Benchmark- Storyboard complete, Panels built
                Study- Penciling and inking techniques, color and cell shading
Week 6: Goal- Penciling complete, begin color
                Benchmark- Penciling complete
                Study- color, ink, and cell shading, bubble placement, onomatopoeia
Week 7: Goal- Inking and color 50% finished
                Benchmark- Inking and bubble placement complete, begin color
                Study- cell shading, marketing, and post-production
Week 8: Goal- Color finished, begin cell shading
                Benchmark- Color finished
                Study- post-production, printing, etc.
Week 9: Goal: Shading finished, begin lettering
                Benchmark: Shading finished
                Study- lettering and typography, post-pro
Week 10: Goal- Ready to Print
                Benchmark- Ready to Print
                Study- Marketing and self-expression
Week 11: Finals


Opening- est. view of a high school
                View of a school hallway, students walking, lockers, talking
                Braceface at her locker- small panel to the side
                Gay kid- shuts locker- small panel
                Word panel- “Hey Queer!”
                Close up of gay kids face- eyes wide
                Half page panel- Bully shoving kids, others looking away
                Triple Panel:
Grabs gay kid- in face “homophobic comment”
                                Gets in braceface’s face (gay kid to the side, looking hurt) “Misogynistic comment”
                                Walks down hall- knocks fat nerd’s books out of his hands
                Nerd picks up his books, kneeling, looks after bully, scowls
                Braceface stands next to gay kid, comforting him
                Bully high-fives jock boy
                Nerd walks to gay kid and braceface, the three of them glare at bully
                Third page panel: gay kid yells “HEY! TRAILER TRASH!”
                Bully turns around, mad
                Three kids stand united- braceface: “We’ve had enough of this!”
                Middle-Third panel: gay kid punches bully in face
                Triple panel:
                                Braceface kicks to chest
                                Gay kid uppercuts jaw
                                Nerd pins bully against locker “How do you like it?!”
                Full page- Bully lies in middle of deserted hallway- defeated in a heap
                Walks home alone, head hung in shame
                Small inlet panel- shabby apartment walkup
                Bully walks indoors
                OTS bully- drunk father sitting on couch mindlessly watching tv
                Triple panel
                                Bully stands next to father. Father: “the hell do you want?”
                                Close up bully: “I kind of had a bad day, dad..”
                                Close up dad: “Yeah? Well I’ve had a bad life.”
                Double panel
                                Walks down hallway to bedroom
                                Low POV next to backpack- bully walks to bed
                Triple Panel
                                Front shot bully sitting on bed
                                Reaches for picture on nightstand
                                Close up picture of smiling woman with a kid (bully)
                Full page panel
                                Aerial view, bully sits on bed, holds photo, shoulders slumped
                                Small inlet- face, single tear “I miss you, mom”

Rough design sketches for characters in Project 31

I really like the way Rebecca and William turned out.. the other ones need some revision

Here I am again!

Yeah, I'm back.. I took some time off for multiple reasons... but who am I kidding, it's not like anyone reads this thing anyway.


Exciting news on the comic front- I am working on a solo comic, nothing special- just an 8-page morality tale. But the cool part is it's all mine, so yay :)
Also, I won an award at an art contest last weekend, so yay again- really awesome experience, I'd never done anything like that before- once I figure out how to upload a pic from my phone onto the blog, I'll upload the photo
And last but not least, local author Zack Daggy and I are collaborating on a new project that I am SUPER excited about- can't say anything yet, but I'll post progress.

So yeah, that's the update, I've got progress pictures to come, so stay tuned!