Friday, March 9, 2012

New video!

Ok, so this month has been CRAZY that's why I haven't posted anything lately.
It's the final 3 weeks of the quarter so that means work work work work work. I have two animated shorts to do- one 2D, one 3D. A storyboard animatic to render in After Effects, and an advanced life drawing sketch to ink, shade, and mount. Ugh... not to mention working a 35 hour work week, taking classes to become a trainer, AND I'm planning a wedding. I know the whole world is busy, but damn! I'm wore out... so sorry to say to my followers (assuming there are any) that I haven't had much time to update the blog.

But good news, I have. I did finish my 2D short... it's simple animation, but it's done and ready to view :D I'm gonna try to post the video here, but if not, it'll go to my YouTube channel. Happy viewing!

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